Tuesday, January 9, 2018

New Year’s Resolution: More Fiber!

2018 is a New Year, with the potential for a healthier New You. Many people choose to set their New Year’s Resolutions with their health in mind. Some resolve to quit smoking or other bad vices, others aim to exercise more and eat healthier foods. One way you can improve your health through your diet is by adding fiber. Eating more fiber offers a variety of health benefits. Read on to discover why you should focus on adding fiber to your diet.

Can Help with Weight Loss
Even if you make no changes to your diet other than increasing your fiber intake, you will still see the difference in your waistline. Foods that are rich in fiber will fill you up faster and keep you satisfied longer, while also preventing your body from absorbing some of the calories in the foods you eat. In addition to helping you shed pounds, a high-fiber diet will also help you maintain that healthier weight over time.

Lowers Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
In addition to helping you maintain a healthy weight, fiber also keeps blood sugars steady. This combination of benefits from fiber decreases your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
Numerous studies published in the BMJ showed a link between a greater intake of fiber with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. Fiber helps soak up extra cholesterol in your system and aids in expelling it from your body.

Lowers Risk of Certain Cancers
Every 10 grams of fiber you eat is associated with a 10 percent reduced risk of colorectal cancer and a 5 percent fall in breast cancer risk, says a study published in the Annals of Oncology (source).

Keeps You Regular
This is probably the most well-known benefit of a high-fiber diet. Dietary fiber makes your stool softer and bulkier. A bulky stool is easier to pass, which decreases your chance of constipation. On the other hand, if you have loose, watery stools, fiber also helps solidify the stool because it absorbs water and adds bulk.

If you’re looking for ways to add more fiber into your diet, it’s surprisingly simple! Just try boosting your intake of the following foods:
  • Whole-grain products
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Beans, peas and other legumes
  • Nuts and seeds

You can also add a fiber supplement, like Benefiber or Citrucel, into your daily regimen. These come in a powder drink-mix form, making it easy to take if you have trouble swallowing pills.

If you’re experiencing any gastrointestinal concerns or discomfort, contact Dr. Justin McCarthy. Dr. McCarthy specializes in gastroenterology and hepatology, and can run a variety of lab tests right in office. Contact Dr. McCarthy’s office today!

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