The beginning of a new year is typically the time for fresh starts and new promises, it is also the perfect opportunity to consider our personal health and what we can be doing to better. Sure, squeezing a few workouts into our busy schedule and focusing on a healthy diet are all wonderful starts to improving our health and well-being. Another key ingredient to bettering ourselves is seeking education on the potential threats to our health.
One risk to countless Americans today is colon cancer. According to the trusted resource My Colon Cancer Coach, colon cancer occurs when malignant cells form in one or more layers of tissue in the longest part of the large intestine, or the colon. This usually occurs as premalignant polyps grow larger and more harmful over several years, eventually developing a malignant tumor.
Physical warning signs for colon cancer often include the presence of blood in or on the stool, shifts in normal bowel habits, an unknown cause of weight loss, and increases in stomach discomfort from more-than-usual bloating, gas, or cramps.
The best way to prevent colon cancer is to be aware of the importance of early detection and screening. Getting frequently checked by a qualified doctor is the best way to identify colon polyps early, before they develop into cancer. This is especially crucial if your family history indicates colon cancer, if you have inherited colon cancer symptoms, and if you are over the age of 50.
Our health shouldn’t be something that we start in January, quickly lose motivation for, and abandon by March. On the contrary, our personal health and wellbeing should always be a top priority, whether or not it’s a renewed New Year’s Resolution. The best way to safeguard your health is to stay educated on its potential threats and what you can do if harmful diseases come your way.
For more information on colon cancer and what you can be doing to prevent this dreaded illness, talk to your friends and experts at Justin McCarthy, M.D, who give you medical treatment you can trust. Call today at 806-761-0722 or schedule an upcoming appointment to discuss your questions on colon cancer.