Monday, December 18, 2017

Why Is Genetic Testing So Important?

Some things in life should remain a mystery. When we are going to have your first kiss, or when you’ll meet the love of your life, or when you get a big job promotion—those are moments in life where they are best enjoyed if they are surrounded by surprise. But there are some things where it’s best to be as informed and as prepared as possible.

For us, there are few aspects of living that are as vital to be as knowledgeable as possible when it comes to personal health. You have to know what you are putting into your body and how it can impact your quality of life. Not only that, but it’s just as crucial to understand how your family history and your genetic makeup, the very core of who you are, can influence our personal longevity.

Genetic Testing Important

This is why many people chose to dive into their genetic makeup in a detailed manner. This is what’s known as genetic testing. Just as the term indicates, genetic testing, according to, uses laboratory methods to look at your genes to identify increased risks of health problems, to choose treatments, and to assess responses to treatments. Types of genetic testing include diagnostic testing, predictive and presymptomatic testing, carrier testing, newborn screening, and pharmacogenomics testing; all of these methods can help a person determine the best treatment for current symptoms or can help someone be proactive about treating potential systems down the line.

If the thought of pursuing genetic testing in the near future interests you, we at Justin McCarthy, M.D. recommend giving color testing a try. These tests in particular focus on genes associated with an increased risk for common hereditary cancers and high risk cholesterol—these disorders in particular where early knowledge and action can make a world of difference in fighting the disease. All you have to do is send in your sample, get your results, and speak with a counselor to create a personalized health plan for you.

Some surprises in life are a good thing, even a blessing. But your genetic makeup should not be one of them. Being adequately prepared on the health challenges and risks you may be facing will appropriately arm you for the battle ahead. No one understands this philosophy better than your friends and experts at the offices of Dr. Justin McCarthy. To schedule your upcoming appointment or to learn more about the importance of genetic testing, call 806-761-0722 or visit us in person at 2424 50th Street Suite 100 in the heart of Lubbock.  

Genetic Testing Texas

Thursday, November 16, 2017

What is Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn's Disease

Crohn’s Disease is an inflammatory bowel disease that causes inflammation in your digestive tract, which can lead to abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, and malnutrition. Even though Crohn’s disease will always affect the digestive tract, it will involve different areas for different people. The inflammation caused by Crohn’s disease can spread deep into the layers of tissue in the digestive tract, and can be both painful and debilitating. This can also cause other serious and even life-threatening complications.

When it comes to Crohn’s disease, the two main areas affected are the colon and a small segment of the small intestine. Although these are the two areas that are the most affected in patients with Crohn’s disease, it can also affect other areas. Signs and symptoms of Crohn’s disease can range from mild to severe, and usually develop over time. People may experience symptoms that will come on suddenly, and others will go through periods where no symptoms are noticeable at all.

Symptoms include:
  • Diarrhea
  • Fever
  • Fatigue
  • Abdominal pain and cramping
  • Blood in your stool
  • Mouth sores
  • Reduced appetite and weight loss

People with severe Crohn’s disease may also experience inflammation of the skin, eyes, joints, liver, and bile ducts.

Causes & Risk Factors
While there are no known causes of Crohn’s disease, doctors have found more proof of main factors being hereditary and malfunctioning immune systems. Risk factors include:
  • Age: you’re most likely to develop Crohn’s disease when you’re young
  • Ethnicity: Even though Crohn’s is more likely to occur in those of eastern European descent, it can occur in any ethnicity.
  • Family history: you’re more likely to develop Crohn’s if you have a family member who also has Crohn’s.
  • Cigarette smoking: smoking cigarettes is the most controllable risk factor when it comes to preventing Crohn’s disease.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications: these can include ibuprofen (Advil), naproxen sodium (Aleve), diclofenac sodium (Voltaren) and others. While they don’t directly cause Crohn’s, they can lead to inflammation of the bowel which can make Crohn’s disease worse.

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please give Justin McCarthy, M.D. a call at 806-761-0722 to set up an appointment. You don’t have to keep living with pain associated with Crohn’s disease, we can help you manage and reduce it, so that you can get back to living your life.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

What You Need to Know About Colonoscopies

What is a colonoscopy?

If your doctor tells you you’ll need a colonoscopy, don’t worry, they’re more common than you think. There are many reasons your doctor may recommend you come in for a colonoscopy, but it’s important to remember, it’s really not that bad, and it could help get on top of some serious problems.

What is a Colonoscopy?
A colonoscopy is an exam your doctor uses to look inside your large intestine for possible causes for things like abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, or changes in your bowel habits. Colonoscopies can also be used to check for colorectal cancer if you’re over the age of 50.

What Happens During a Colonoscopy?
Your colonoscopy will be performed by an experienced doctor, and will last around 30-60 minutes. You’ll receive medications through an IV, and these will make you feel drowsy and relaxed. You’ll be asked to lay on your left side on an exam table, and then your doctor will examine your large intestine using a colonoscope, which is a long, flexible, tubular instrument that is about a half-inch in diameter. The colonoscope will allow the doctor to examine your large intestine for abnormalities through an image that it transmits. Because the colonoscope is flexible, it can move around your large intestine easily, allowing the doctor to better notice any abnormalities. If something abnormal is noticed, your doctor is able to remove small tissues samples, called a biopsy, during the procedure.

Are There Any Risks?
Colonoscopies are very safe, and also common. Most people experience cramping or bloating after their colonoscopy, which is also very normal. If your doctor takes a sample of tissue during the procedure, you may also experience blood in your stool. If you have any concerns going into the procedure about medications or reactions to medications they’ll give you, make sure to consult your doctor right away.

While needing to get a colonoscopy may seem daunting, this procedure can help keep your body healthy, and also help find early signs of cancer. Contact Justin McCarthy, M.D., today at 806-761-0722, or visit our website to learn more about how we can help you.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Warning Signs of Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic Cancer Justin McCarthy
According to WebMD, Pancreatic cancer is the fourth deadliest cancer in the world. Because this cancer is hard to detect and treat, the survival rate is extremely low, with an average of six percent of patients surviving past five years. Knowing the symptoms of the disease are an important part of early detection and can give patients the most optimistic prognosis.
  • Diabetes – If you have been recently diagnosed with diabetes without any previous risk factors, you might want consider a pancreatic screening. Nearly half (40%) of pancreatic cancer patients were diagnosed with diabetes within the past two years.
  • Itching in the hands and feet – Often when a pancreatic tumor forms, it blocks the bile duct. This causes bile to start building up in other areas of the body making it very difficult to break down. The accumulation of bile can create persistent itching in the hands and feet.
  • Jaundice – Because bile has a bright yellow pigment, when there is too much present in the body, it can cause both the skin and the whites of the eyes to take on a bright yellow hue.
  • Appetite issues – A sudden decrease in appetite or the tendency to feel full after a small meal can be a symptom of pancreatic cancer. This is because issues with the pancreas cause a decrease in digestive enzymes. In addition, the way certain foods taste can also change, with patients suddenly having taste aversions to their once favorite foods.
  • Change in bowel habits – Because pancreatic tumors can prevent digestive enzymes from reaching the intestines, the body might have a hard time digesting fatty foods. This results in loose stools that are very foul smelling. This is an often overlooked clue but could help in early detection.
  • Gallbladder issues – Bile duct blockages can cause the gallbladder to enlarge a bile builds up behind the duct.
  • Abdominal pain – Aching in the gut that radiates to your back can be a sign of a pancreatic tumor. Additionally, if the pain subsides when you lean forward or gets worse after meals or when you lay down, this could point to an issue.
  • Weight loss – Because you are often unable to digest food thoroughly, fat and sugar may pass through your body undigested making it difficult to keep weight on.

If you have been experience any of the above symptoms, contact your physician or Dr. Justin McCarthy immediately.

Thursday, August 31, 2017

H. Pylori Infection: What to Know

Justin McCarthy H. Pylori

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a type of bacteria and many people do not have any symptoms or know they have it.  The bacteria can live in your body for years before it begins to create ulcers in your stomach and small intestine.

The good news is that the bacteria can be treated and the office of Dr. Justin McCarthy has the test and treatment to help you get back on track and feel your best!  The H. pylori test is the simplest and easiest test for patients who need to check for the presence of H. pylori bacteria in their stomach.  There are a few ways to test for H. pylori, but in our office we utilize a breath test.  To complete the Urea Breath Test, the patient will breathe into a bag, then drink a special drink (urea) through a straw, wait 15 minutes, then breathe into a second bag. The test is then run on a machine, and the results will be available before the patient leaves the lab.

If the test is positive, the bacteria will change the urea in your body into carbon dioxide, and show that you have higher than normal levels of the gas. Based on these results, Dr. Justin McCarthy will determine the necessary antibiotic regimen for treatment.  Once treatment has started, you should begin feeling better within a couple of weeks.

In addition to the treatment plan provided to you, you can prevent infection by practicing good hygiene by washing your hands thoroughly.  You can also practice safe eating habits by drinking clean water and making sure your food is cooked properly.

If you are experiencing gnawing or burning abdominal pain that does not go away when your stomach is empty or in the middle of the night, you may want to schedule an appointment with Dr. Justin McCarthy.  Additional symptoms from H. pylori may include:

Our office has the medical treatment that you can trust!  Dr. Justin McCarthy has been practicing in Lubbock, TX since 1992. Contact us today for your Gastroenterology and general health needs.


Friday, July 28, 2017

Questions to Ask Your Doctor at Your Next Appointment

Questions to ask your doctor
Heading to the doctor to find out why you are not feeling well can be stressful and overwhelming. You may have already searched the internet about your symptoms or received unsolicited advice from a good friend. Time is limited when you see your doctor, so be sure to make the most of your appointment so you can receive the best care possible.  Having your thoughts together and a few prepared questions written down can help assure you are sharing all the details and help you and the doctor take better care of yourself and feeling better quickly.  Depending on your symptoms and the reason you are heading to the doctor, here are some questions to help you prep.

What is my diagnosis?  
Chances are you have already researched your symptoms and think you already know what is wrong.  Have a open mind and be ready to listen to everything the doctor has to say. After all, the doctor is a trained professional, Google is not.

What are my treatment options?  Have you treated other patients with this before?
Knowing your options and the benefit and side effects of each one will help you determine which you feel is the best for you.  Be sure to ask as many questions and you need and take your time to decide.

Will I need a blood test? What is the test for? 
Many patients get a little nervous around a needle, so having an understanding around why you need the tests is always helpful.  Lab results can sometimes seem like you are reading a foreign language, so be sure to schedule some time to review the results with you doctor so you understand what they mean.

Why am I taking this medication? Are there any side effects?
It is important to know what the medication your are prescribed is for and how to take it properly.  Knowing any side effects will help you be prepared if something just isn't feeling right.

Should I come and see you again?  Is there anything I should work on before my next visit?
If a follow up appointment is needed, be sure to get one scheduled so you can continue care and assure you are improving your health.  If there are suggested changes to your daily routine such as diet, exercise or rest, be sure to have a full understanding and take notes if needed.

Please remember, these questions are just suggestions for your next doctor's appointment, so be sure to add your own that are important to you and relate to your symptoms.  If there is anything you do not understand, please do not be afraid to ask for clarification.  Our office is just an email or phone call away and Dr. Justin McCarthy and his staff are available for questions if there is something you think of after you have left the office. 

Monday, June 26, 2017

How Orbera Works and is it Right for Me?


Can’t seem to lose those unwanted pounds? Orbera weight loss is a system created by Justin McCarthy MD. Orbera Weight loss can help you lose up 3x more weight than with diet and exercise alone! Justin McCarthy MD’s staff will make you feel comfortable and tell you how truly easy and noninvasive this weight loss method is. Now, you’re probably wondering how it works and is it right for me?

How Orbera Works
Orbera is sturdy, resilient, gastric balloon made out of soft silicone. This balloon sits in your stomach for 6 months, with it’s main purpose of being food portion control. We want to make it easier for you to eat smaller portions, while still being able to eat and feel full. Once we give the patient a check up, we can begin the procedure. A deflated gastric balloon will be inserted through the esophagus and into your stomach. A syringe is then used to fill the balloon with a sterile saline solution. Once the balloon fills with saline and is about the size of a grapefruit, we are finished. The procedure takes up to 20-30 minutes and has a 2 hour recovery period. Orbera is right for you if you don’t want to part take in surgical incisions for weight loss!

Orbera’s main focus is portion size and we are hoping within these 6 months you can pick up healthy eating habits, while maintaining your regular eating schedule. As time goes on, it will get easier and easier to eat a healthier portions. The most results will happen within the first 6 months! Throughout the next 12 months after treatments, you will have regular face-to-face sessions with your treatment team, dietitian, fitness trainer, psychologist and exercise psychologist.

After you’ve gone through 6 months of Orbera, it’s time to remove the balloon! Once again, we have a non surgical procedure, similar to the placement process. It’s important to continue with your new eating habits and to keep in touch with our doctors. They will guide you through the next 6 months, coaching you to continue your progress. The support team at Orbera will create a personal diet and exercise plan specifically for you! Overall, Orbera will teach you great life habits and help you achieve your weight loss goal!

For more information about Orbera or Justin McCarthy MD, you can visit our website at!

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Lab Tests at Dr. Justin McCarthy MD

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The office of Dr. Justin McCarthy offers four different lab tests that can detect bacteria, infection, unexplained GI bleed, and chronic diarrhea. Along with lab tests, our Orbera Weight Loss system could be the key to a healthier you! 
H. Pylori Test
The main purpose of this test is to detect H. Pylori infection. H. Pylori is a heart shaped infection in the digestive tract. We begin the test by having our patient breath into a bag, drink a special drink, then wait 15 minutes to breath into a different bag. The patient will receive feedback before the end of their appointment. Based on the results, we can then make the accurate decisions of which antibiotics to use for treatment. Overall, this is our easiest test for patients and we highly recommend it if you are feeling pain in your abdomen and stomach. 
Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth Breath Test
The main purpose is to detect presence of high numbers of bacteria in the small bowel. This test will detect the bacteria by taking breathing samples. The machine will then determine the amount of hydrogen, methane, and carbon dioxide present. This 3 hour test will provide you with reading materials and items to occupy yourself with, if you forget to bring anything. 
Pillcam Endoscopy
The main purpose of this test is to find any traces that could lead to suspected Crohn’s Disease. Unexplained GI bleeding should be checked right away, because you could be at risk of having Crohn’s Disease. The test begins by having the patient swallow a capsule the size of a large vitamin. The Vitamin has a small camera on the end that will move throughout the patient and will exit via bowel movement. Do not return the capsule! Also, there will be a recording device warn by the patient on their shoulder that will need to be returned on the same day. 
Smart Pill Test
The main purpose of this test is to test for gastroparesis or chronic constipation. The Smart Pill is a GI mobility test which measures the whole systems transit times. It can be used as a non-radioactive test for gastroparesis and chronic constipation. 
For More Information 
For more information on our lab tests, our Orbera Weight Loss System, and other services visit our website at Or give us a call at 806-761-0722! 

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Manage Stress with Justin McCarthy MD during Stress Awareness Month

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Almost half of America has stated that their stress has increased dramatically in the past 5 years. Stress can impact one’s daily life activities, causing them to be unable to complete tasks to their greatest potential.  April is Stress Awareness Month and Justin McCarthy MD wants you to know how to deal with your stress! 

The first way to deal with your personal stress is to realize what is causing the problem. By understanding your stress, you can find the triggering factors that create the stress in your life. Once you understand your stress, you can figure out when to do activities in your daily schedule to tone down your stress. There are multiple ways to deal with stress. One of the more effective methods is physical activity and exercise. Working out multiple times a week can relax your mind and body. Overall, working out offers plenty of benefits and keeps you healthy and fit. Eating well and staying fit will not only make you feel good, but create a better lifestyle for you. Maintaining your stress is all about you! So, work on yourself and most importantly, make time for yourself. Stress can affect you mentally and physically. Sooner or later stress is going to take a tole! Stress can take control of your thoughts and your life, if you don’t act. Take care of yourself and the rest will follow! 

Stress Awareness month has taken place since 1992. You can visit their website at to learn more. Throughout the month of April, doctors and health specialists try to enforce the public awareness of stress. They want you to know that you are not alone and that their are ways to manage your stress. Health specialist travel all around America to spread awareness and tips to put you in the right direction.

Is stress affecting your health? Dr. Justin McCarthy can work with you to manage and alleviate stress. We can also detect different infections, bacterial overgrowths, and multiple other stomach issues with your technology here at Justin McCarthy MD. Our Orbera Weight Loss system is clinically tested and will help you lose weight in a healthy way. To learn more visit our website at or give us a call at  806-761-0722

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Feeling Hungry? Think About Avoiding These Foods For Better Digestion.

A delicious breakfast, a savory lunch, and a mouthwatering dinner can be the key ingredients to making or breaking your day. But as much fun as it is to think about the next meal we will be enjoying, the health of our digestive system should be carefully considered when it comes to daily meals.  At the practice of Dr. Justin McCarthy, we believe there is a proper balance between filling the hunger void without destroying your diet and overall digestive health.

But, that doesn’t mean there still aren’t a few cravings it would be best to resist. Take a look at our recommended foods to avoid when your stomach is growling and your next meal is around the corner.

Image result for ALCOHOLProcessed Sugar
Processed sugar can unfortunately have the same effects on your liver as consuming too much alcohol. Shocking, right? Keep in mind that processed sugar, like high fructose corn syrup, is found in many processed foods on the market today.

Image result for TOMATOESTomatoes
While tomatoes are healthy in the sense that they are packed with nutrients and Vitamin C, their tannic acid can cause gastric ulcers if eaten often on an empty stomach. Try eating tomatoes with your dinner instead!

Tea and Coffee
Like tomatoes, heartburn and indigestion can occur throughout the day when you drink coffee or tea on an empty stomach due to its acidity.

Image result for COFFEEAlcohol
While this one seems obvious, it never hurts to have a reminder of how excessive alcohol consumption can damage your digestion. When you drink alcohol without food in your stomach, the alcohol goes straight to your stomach, meaning it is absorbed in the body more quickly. This can lead to a dramatic decrease in blood pressure and pulse rate.

So now that we’ve covered a few cannots, you may be asking yourself what foods you CAN enjoy on an empty stomach! We highly recommend you take a big bite out of eggs, fresh fruit, yogurt, and honey to greatly improve your digestive system.

For the very best care in gastroenterology, look no further than Dr. Justin McCarthy. Our offices are located at 2424 50th Street, Suite 100 in the heart of Lubbock. Schedule your upcoming appointment today by calling 806-761-0722!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Fermentation and Super Foods

Fermentation is simply the chemical breakdown of a substance by microorganisms like bacteria and yeasts. As unappetizing as that sounds, there’s a good chance you’ve had fermented food before - wine, beer, cured meats, pickled vegetables and sauerkraut are all fermented foods that have been dietary staples for centuries in almost every culture. These foods were not only used as a regular part of the traditional diet, but also as a medical supplement for a variety of digestive issues. Foods and drinks such as kefir, kombucha, soy milk and others have been shown to play an important part in maintain a healthy gut. Here are six benefits to including fermented food and drink in your regular diet.
Super Foods
  1. Balances stomach acid – Fermented food often has the ability to ease digestive issues because of an imbalance in stomach acids. When hydrochloric acid is lacking in the digestive tract, fermented foods help to increase the acid level in gastric juices. Conversely, when the acid production is too high, they can help to soothe the stomach and intestinal lining.
  2. Increases production of acetylcholine – This neurotransmitter assists in the communication of nerve impulses in the digestive process. This can create healthy and more regular bowel movements and reduce constipation. It also increases the release of digestive enzymes in the stomach, pancreas and gallbladder to further facilitate the effectiveness of the digestive process.
  3. Diabetic friendly – Increased pancreatic function is highly beneficial for individuals who suffer from diabetes. Additionally, the carbohydrates in fermented food are easier to digest and do not put an additional burden on the pancreas.
  4. Controls or destroys pathogenic bacteria – Pathogenic bacteria is often sensitive to acidic environments. Because fermented foods such as sauerkraut help to balance the acidity level in the gut, they are unable to flourish. Many fermented foods have been shown to be even more effective than antibiotics in destroying harmful pathogens.
  5. Detoxification – Fermented super foods such as kombucha are an excellent way to rid the body of harmful toxins that can create a sluggish gut and reduced energy levels.
  6. Weight loss – An article published by indicates that adding fermented food to your diet can assist the body in more effectively absorbing nutrients which can aid in weight loss and maintenance.

Do you struggle with digestive issues? Adding fermented food and drink to a balanced diet might be an excellent all-natural solution to your discomfort. Contact Dr. Justin McCarthy For more ideas on ways to create a healthy and efficient gut.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Healthy Gut, Healthy Brain

With today’s busy lifestyles, brain fog can make our days sluggish and unproductive. Difficulty focusing is often blamed on lack of sleep or hectic schedules. While these factors may be partly to blame, many people are unaware that the root of the problem could be based in their gut. Having a healthy gut is a key to having a healthy brain. 

The Gut-Brain Connection
BrainIt’s safe to say that the brain is the “supercomputer” for all the body’s functions, however, we don’t often think that a healthy digestive tract will play a part in a having better mental clarity. The gut manufactures the neurotransmitter serotonin, which regulates mood. If the body has a serotonin deficiency, it can cause anxiety, depression and a general brain fog. There are two common causes of imbalances in the gut: infections and diet. 

Candida and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) are the two most common gastric infections.  Candida is an overgrowth of yeast. This can be caused by taking antibiotics, eating a diet high in carbohydrates, drinking too much alcohol and even birth control usage. The overgrowth of yeast coats the lining of the intestinal tract and suppresses the ability to manufacture or secrete serotonin. It can also create chemicals that are actually toxic to the brain. A diet high in sugar, refined carbohydrates and alcohol typically causes SIBO. It can also cause a deficiency in the vitamin B12 which also helps to stabilize mood and focus. 

The highly processed American diet can create poor psychological symptoms. Casein, a protein found in dairy and gluten, which is found in wheat, barley and rye, can create inflammation and gut leakage. This leakage can impact the brain and affect mood. It also makes it difficult to absorb nutrients which can lead to extreme vitamin deficiencies including omega-3 fatty acids, zinc and the B vitamins - all of which are an important part in brain health and mood stabilization.  

Are you struggling with brain fog or mood disorders? It might not be your brain. Contact Dr. Justin McCarthy in Lubbock, Texas to discuss your symptoms. Using the latest diagnostic testing, we can help you determine if the issue is gut related. Once diagnosed, we can work with you to create an appropriate treatment plan for a healthy gut and enhanced mental clarity.